Monday, February 1, 2010

Choices in Physical Education

Though this seems to be a problem in smaller schools (choices for PE), I believe it would greatly increase the desire of the students to participate in something they value. I know, facilities, equipment, supervision, etc. are all aspects that would need to be addressed. As an earlier post I indicated the desire for physical education options outside the traditional classroom. The student could use the traditional time to access information, from the teacher, other students, internet, etc. to better plan their individual workouts or choices. They then could choose to perform the workout at school during class time or during another time convenient to them. Different research studies have validated the desire for choices in as young as 8th grade. Currently in my high school classes I allow my students to walk (while wearing a pedometer) instead of participating in the class I had planned. Many take the opportunity but know that they have a target number of steps they must reach to earn their full daily pts.

Larger schools have more than one teacher for the department and can offer different choices to their students. I believe today's technology can allow different choices to be available, the teacher just needs to think outside the box and become a facilitator and not so much a leader.

Who have I impacted today? Those who were able to walk instead of playing speedball in my high school physical education class this morning.

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